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By Invitation Only!

 You successfully completed our

Executive Reading Course.

If you are ready to find out just how fast you CAN read, this is your opportunity to further improve your reading skills.

Upgrade to the ExecuRead course.

Open to those graduates who achieved a reading speed in excess of 2000wpm in the ExecuRead course and who have the ability to really fly at Full Throttle! (If you are not an ExecuRead Graduate, but are an above-average reader, you are invited to apply.)

The World Speed Reading Record is 150,000 words per minute with 95% comprehension (Set by Louise Howell, a SuperReading participant, in 2003) ( Full story). To challenge this goal, you will need to complete a 44-page / 30,000-word book in 12 seconds – a rate of 3.6 pages per second! (However, if 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 wpm is all you want, that’s okay – SuperReading will show you the way.)

Four lessons of 5 hours each PLUS lots of practice PLUS an unshakeable will to succeed.

Facilitated by Priscille Farinha - a #1-ranked speed reading instructor since 1995.

Course Dates & Times
Contact Us for details

Course Location
Contact us for details

Total Cost
ExecuRead Graduates : R3400 (if you are upgrading within 6 months of completing ExecuRead).
Non-Graduates : R5950
(incl Tuition, 24x7 support, materials)

Attending this workshop will enable you to :

Look at books in terms of minutes rather than hours of reading time.

Become the information authority in your business / academic field.

Enjoy the benefits of absorbing new information 10 – 50 times faster than your competitors.

Explore new opportunities without the drudgery of having to learn new information.

Improve your general knowledge of global affairs.

Guaranteed Results

Contact Priscille Farinha directly to reserve your seat today by calling 012.809.1227 or via email